Daloki, Part 8: Hushabye (2)

(What follows is the second part of a blog written by Elexin and Daloki, originally published on Rolepages.com.)

Elexin and Daloki spent her last evening together.  She liked odd movies from Earth, so he had let her pick the vid. She had chosen a sort of movie about hope, and she had actually teared up a bit as a song was sung, snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm, and he didn’t mind that. He sniffed her hair, trying to remember her scent, feeling her life force, and when he knew she was relaxed had gently Dominated her and took a quick copy of her with a soul stone. He wanted something, anything to remember her by.

The next evening when they entered the tavern, she looked as giddy as a schoolgirl, taking and holding the attention he was adorning her with.

They had been talking quietly for some time when Elexin smiled, though his eyes seemed a bit distant, almost sad. Then he looked deeply into Daloki’s eyes. “Care for a dance, Doll?”

A smile broke over her face. “I’d love to.” Continue reading